Why Is My Dog Rocking Back And Forth? Top 5 Most Common Reasons

Is dog rocking back and forth as dangerous as people think? There are serious medical reasons why dogs may rock back and forth. In this article, we cover the reasons why as well as treatment options.

What is rocking back and forth?

The back-and-forth motion of a dog disrupts the link between the brain and the inner ear. The vestibular system, which comprises central components in the brain and peripheral components in the ears, is the system that controls balance. Vestibular illness can occur if this system is compromised in any way.

This is a regular occurrence in senior canines. This sickness is defined as a sudden and non-progressive imbalance. Although there are numerous causes of vestibular illness, the following are some of the most common:

  • Infection of the middle or inner ear
  • Injury
  • Tumor
  • Stroke
  • Idiopathic (usually occurs in the elderly)

If you notice your dog rocking back and forth for an extended amount of time, in addition to any of the other vestibular disease symptoms described below, you should consult your veterinarian to establish the underlying muscle problem. If nothing is discovered, such as an ear infection, the best you can do is keep your dog comfortable until he heals.

What is rocking back and forth?
Dog rocking back and forth

Why is my dog rocking back and forth?

Your dog may rock back and forth for a variety of reasons. Vestibular illness is the most common cause, however, there are others.

Vestibular disease

Your dog’s balance is controlled by the vestibular system. Your dog will wobble back and forth if there are any abnormalities with the vestibular system and the connection between their brain and inner ear is not operating properly. Vestibular disease, commonly known as idiopathic canine vestibular syndrome or canine vestibular sickness, is classified into the following categories:

Peripheral vestibular disease

Cancer, inner ear rupture, or infection are all possible causes. This type of vestibular sickness is frequent in dogs with long ears, such as Goldendoodles, beagles, and cocker spaniels, as well as in dogs whose ears are cleaned on a regular basis.

Central vestibular disease

When something affects your dog’s brain stem and cerebellum, this condition develops. Cancer or injury to these areas, brain tumors, stroke, inflammation of the brain area, or consumption of toxins can all be causes.

In addition to rocking back and forth, your dog may also have several other symptoms:

  • Tilt your head
  • Fall in the direction of head tilt
  • Don’t want to move around
  • Reduce appetite
  • Nausea

Head injury

Head traumas might also cause your dog to become disoriented. A head injury is possible if your dog falls or hurts his head. If your dog is hit and run, he or she may sustain head trauma.

Concussions, brain edema, and hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain can all result from a head injury.

Symptoms of a head injury, in addition to rocking back and forth:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Comatose
  • Abnormal eye movements
  • Bleeding from a head wound
Why is my dog rocking back and forth?
Why is my dog rocking back and forth?

Ear infections

Ear infections are a common cause of irritation in dogs of all ages, and it’s no surprise that they might cause your dog to lose his balance. If this is the case, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

If you don’t clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis, bacteria and yeast can build up and cause ear infections, especially in long-eared breeds.

Your dog may stumble and rock back and forth due to an ear infection. Other signs of an inner ear infection include:

  • Ears smell bad
  • Moaning all the time
  • Itchy ears


This development may disrupt the connection between the central and peripheral components of the vestibular system. From there, it makes it difficult for the dog to find its direction.

Tick-borne illness

Ticks are venomous tiny bugs that can transmit diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is spread by the American dog tick and the lone star tick. This fever appears quickly in dogs and can cause disease that lasts for several weeks.

Symptoms include:

  • Overbalance
  • Confusion
  • Comatose

If not treated promptly, this fever might be fatal. If you realize your dog has been bitten by a tick and is exhibiting symptoms of RMSF, you should take him to the doctor right away for treatment.

What should we do if your dog rocking back and forth?

If your dog rocking back and forth, the first thing you should do is get him checked out by the vet. Usually, problems like Idiopathic Vestibular Disease resolve in a few days without any help from medication. However, many dogs will need supportive care during this time.

Once you’ve determined what’s causing your dog to rock back and forth, you must decide how to effectively manage the matter. If the problem will go away on its own, keep your dog comfortable until he recovers.

You can help your dog by giving him nausea medication, providing a quiet spot to lie down, and offering assistance when he needs to go to the potty.

Symptoms of major underlying issues, such as malignancies, can sometimes remain for a long time. If that’s the case, you’ll have to constantly assist your dog with tasks such as going to the potty.

Other residual effects may include a little head tilt, which will have no negative impact on your dog’s quality of life. Although this can be challenging, with assistance and care, your dog can live a full and happy life.

What should we do if your dog rocking back and forth?
What should we do if your dog rocking back and forth?

Is there any way to help prevent your dog from rocking back and forth?

The greatest thing you can do to prevent the swaying back and forth caused by ear infections is to clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis. This will assist in limiting the chance of infection from foreign objects or bugs causing ear damage.

You can perform an ear inspection and cleaning at home, but remember to use gentle cleansers and cotton balls, not alcohol or Q-tips, which can injure the eardrum.

More significant issues are more difficult to avoid. Tumors and strokes are common problems that can be caught early with regular vet visits.

Check your dog for ticks after playing outside to avoid tick-borne sickness. Use tick repellent. Brush hair around the ears, inside the ears, and around the crotch.

If you realize your dog has been bitten by a tick, keep a close eye on it. If your dog exhibits any symptoms such as fever, vomiting, lethargy, difficulty breathing, or loss of balance, take him to the vet right away.

In conclusion – Dog rocking back and forth

Dog rocking back and forth can happen for many different reasons. If you see your dog rocking back and forth, it’s important to get them checked out immediately. When you know the specific cause, you can solve this problem faster.

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