Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls? Here is the best answer for you

By | August 5, 2023

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls? Any dog owner will tell you how much their pet enjoys eating table scraps. If Chinese food is on the menu at home, egg rolls are a particular family favorite. You’re probably wondering if your dog can partake in the delectableness.

So, Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls? Dogs can generally eat tiny amounts of egg roll crumbs without harm. However, feeding your dog egg rolls in significant numbers or frequently might cause digestive irritation, obesity, cardiac difficulties, and other issues.

So, let’s take a closer look with at whether or not your pet should eat egg rolls, the potential dangers of consuming too much human food, and whether any healthy alternatives may be served instead.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls?

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls

Yes, they can, but they should not. Eating egg rolls may not represent a serious hazard to canine health, but eating too many of them can be harmful. Egg rolls are fried snacks that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other digestive issues in dogs. They also have a high salt level, which can lead to a variety of health issues.

Egg rolls are a savory delight that is difficult to stop at just one. As a pet parent, you know that your beloved dog will not let you eat alone and will constantly be at your side to share. While many human foods are okay for canines to consume, it is best to avoid feeding egg rolls to your furry pet.

Why Shouldn’t Dogs Eat Egg Rolls?

1. Egg rolls are deep-fried.

One reason your dog should not eat egg rolls is that fried foods are bad for canines.  Fried foods retain extra levels of oil, which can be too much for a dog’s system to handle. Long-term use of oil-rich foods can lead to bloating, obesity, and potentially liver disease.

2. Egg rolls contain chemicals and seasonings that are toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls

Egg rolls should also be avoided as a treat since the filling contains chemicals and spices that are toxic to dogs.  Onion powder, garlic powder, and soy sauce are common ingredients in egg rolls.  All of which should not be fed to dogs.

In addition, cabbage is included in egg rolls.  Although cabbage is not harmful to dogs, some dogs have difficulty digesting it, which can produce flatulence and gastrointestinal discomfort.  You’d have to keep an eye on your dog to determine whether cabbage bothers their digestion.

3. Sodium content is higher.

Because dogs cannot take in as much sodium in their daily diet as people, high-sodium diets can be exceedingly hazardous to them.

Egg rolls include more sodium than a dog should take on a regular basis.  A high salt diet can cause hypertension in humans, as well as kidney problems.  It is preferable to select a treat that contains less salt than egg rolls for your dog to enjoy on a daily basis.

4. The carbohydrate content is higher.

Finally, egg rolls should be avoided for dogs because they are heavy in carbohydrates.  Dogs require carbohydrates in their diet for energy, but too many might be harmful in the long run.

Obesity can be caused by a carbohydrate-rich diet.  Furthermore, because carbs are transformed into sugar when processed, a diet high in carbs can contribute to the development of diabetes, which can bring a slew of other problems.

Are There Healthier Egg Roll Alternatives for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls

As previously stated, a spring roll can be created using a variety of nutritious wrappers, including rice paper or egg white wrappers in place of the fried wheat wrapper.

Vegan solutions are available, not just for wrappers, but also for egg rolls and spring rolls that are 100% safe and suited for canine eating. You can also serve a spring roll to your dog if you avoid frying and instead steam them.

Spring rolls, on the other hand, may contain hazardous substances such as garlic powder, onion powder, MSG, or soy sauce. Making spring rolls or egg rolls at home is the most certain way to ensure that they are a healthy choice for your pet

By removing ingredients like cabbage, avocado, MSG, and soy sauce from egg rolls and replacing them with vegetables that are suitable for your dog to consume, you can transform the not-so-healthy egg rolls into a tasty yet wholesome snack.

Can I Cook Egg Rolls For Dogs At Home?

You can prepare egg rolls for dogs in a way similar to their human counterparts, only with slight recipe changes. The main difference is that doggie egg rolls don’t contain particular seasonings or components like salt that may not be good for your dog’s health. Additionally, deep-frying your egg rolls removes extra fat and oil without sacrificing the crispy and delicious taste.

How To Make Egg Rolls For Dogs

Next I will guide you how to make Egg Rolls For Dogs in the easiest way:


16 pieces of egg roll wrappers

1 cup shredded cabbage

1 cup shredded carrots

1 cup ground pork or any other meat of your choice

A small helping of olive oil


To stir-fry pork, heat olive oil in the pan until the meat turns golden brown. Add chopped carrots or cabbage, other vegetables, next mix until they and the pork are tender. Let the mixture cool and next, remove from the stove.
Once cooled, take 1/4 of the mixture and place it in the middle of the paper to wrap the egg rolls.

Sweep along the edges of the rolled wrapper, start rolling by folding one corner to the center then folding both sides up. Now it definitely looks like an open envelope: soften the open edge of the wrapper with a little moisture to seal it. After folding all three sides, roll the meat filling onto the remaining side and use some moisture to close the open edge.

Wrap the remaining rolls in the same way and place them all on the baking tray, keeping all the pieces close to the seam side down. Bake the egg rolls in a 425 degree F oven for 15 minutes, until they begin to crisp on the outside. Finally, let them cool and then deliver one to your cute dog!

You can use a few other ingredients to make the rolls. But be careful to choose safe ingredients, avoid using unsafe ingredients to cook meals for your dogs!:


Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls? Egg rolls have a distinct aroma that your dog’s keen sense of smell will detect even from a distance. Your furry friend would insist that you share your food with it whenever you ate them. However, you must resist its desires and refrain from feeding egg rolls to your pets. The components in egg rolls might upset a dog’s stomach and cause other problems. So, when you eat your egg rolls, make something special for your dogs.

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