Why Shih Tzus Are The Worst Dogs? 11 Main Reason

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Different dog breeds have different characteristics, temperaments, and care requirements, and what may be considered negative traits to one person may be considered positive traits to another. But it seems that many people dislike Shih Tzus and even call them the ugliest dogs. In this article, we will explore the truth behind it.

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Some individuals may express concerns about the Shih Tzu for the following reasons, although it should be noted that these points do not apply universally to all Shih Tzu.


Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? One of the simple reasons is that some people don’t like small dogs. They may have barks that are fun and rough to your ears. And because they’re so small, it can be difficult for them to reach certain places if they’re too high.

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?
Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

These dogs are known to bark at anything that attracts their attention, such as other dogs, people, or even a leaf blowing in the wind. This excessive barking can annoy neighbors and cause stress for the owner.

The reason behind their excessive barking is mainly because they are kept as guard dogs. Shih Tzus were bred to warn their owners of potential dangers and their barking is encouraged. However, without proper training and socialization, their barking can become uncontrollable.


Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Some people do not like small dogs because they can have health problems. According to Healthy Paws Health Insurance, this includes common problems like Intervertebral Disc Disease. When the cushions between the vertebrae push against the spinal cord Hypoglycemia causes an acute drop in blood sugar levels.

They may snort, wheeze, or have difficulty breathing, especially during exercise or in hot weather. They are also susceptible to allergies, which can cause skin irritation, itching, and infection.

Another health problem that Shih Tzu faces is dental problems. They are susceptible to dental diseases, which can lead to tooth loss and even heart and kidney problems if left untreated. It is important to regularly brush their teeth and provide them with dental chews to maintain oral health.

Shortness of breath

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? In dogs with short snouts (also a common feature in small breeds including the Shih Tzu), Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome is very common. This is a condition in which dogs are born with compressed airways, making it more difficult for them to breathe. And this can be even worse if the dog is overweight.

Likes to cling

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Not a fan of puppies who seek human approval in every situation. Shih Tzus are one of those clingy dog breeds that seem to follow people everywhere. They don’t like being alone and they won’t even let you rest. This means you will have a long-term friend by your side even when you pee.

Small size

Shih Tzus belongs to the club of the smallest dog breeds, along with Chihuahuas, Bichons, and Pomeranians. Technically, the Shih Tzu is not the smallest breed, but they are not compact either.

The average Shih Tzu never grows above the 11-inch mark. Additionally, they usually weigh no more than 15 pounds. You always have to be very careful not to break their small bones. Rough play is not allowed and your Shih should avoid stairs if possible.

In short, Shih Tzu is very fragile. They do not make good family pets because small children can accidentally hurt them.

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?
Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

The bite

One of the most disgusting things about Shih Tzus is their bites. Shih Tzus are one of the most popular dog breeds with lower teeth. They are on par with Pugs and Bulldogs, but just a little more hideous. Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

The bite isn’t cute and it doesn’t make the dog special. An underbite is actually a sign of deformity and it can bring many problems to your dog. Not only do these dogs have dental problems, but they also have breathing problems.

Dogs with an underbite are brachycephalic. Respiratory problems are characteristic of this dog.

Super clingy

Shih Tzus are super clingy dogs, always attached to humans. This is something you will hear a lot about the Shih Tzu. However, did you know that all this clinginess comes at a high price, which is separation anxiety?

Shih Tzu hates being left alone and they can develop separation anxiety quite quickly. They want to be the center of attention, always around people.

This condition can be stressful for both dog and owner and can make it difficult to leave home without them. It is essential to provide your Shih Tzu with appropriate training and socialization to help them adapt to being alone. Gradual desensitization and positive reinforcement training can help reduce separation anxiety and make them feel more comfortable being alone

Stubborn nature

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Shih Tzus are often described as stubborn, making them a difficult breed to train. These dogs are known for their independent personality and strong will, which can make it difficult for owners to establish dominance and control.

Because of the Shih Tzu’s stubborn nature, they are the worst dogs. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement training, you can overcome their stubbornness and establish a strong bond with your Shih Tzu.

High grooming needs

Shih Tzus are known for their long, beautiful coats, but their luxurious fur comes with very high grooming needs. These dogs require daily brushing to prevent shedding, tangling, and other coat-related problems

Shih Tzus also requires regular bathing, nail clipping, and ear cleaning to maintain hygiene. The fur around their ears can trap moisture and debris, leading to ear infections. The folds in their skin also need extra attention to prevent irritation and infection. Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

All of these grooming needs can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort from the owner. However, if not properly groomed, Shih Tzu can develop many skin and coat-related problems, making them uncomfortable and even harmful to their health.


Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? One of the reasons Shih Tzu may develop aggressive behavior is because of their small size. They may feel vulnerable and threatened by larger dogs or strangers, causing them to act aggressively as a means of defense. Additionally, their stubborn nature can make them more difficult to train, which can contribute to aggressive behavior.

Training challenge

Why the Shih TZU is the Worst Dog Due to their stubborn and independent nature, Shih Tzus can present unique training challenges for their owners. They may be less inclined to follow orders or follow rules and may require more patience and consistency during training.

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?
Why shih tzus are the worst dogs?

Is there any reason why we should like shih tzus?

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Besides some people not liking Shih Tzus, there are many reasons to love Shih Tzus. Like any dog breed, they have unique qualities and characteristics that can make them a great companion for the right person or family. Here are some reasons why people often appreciate Shih Tzus.

Optimistic personality

Shih Tzu has an optimistic personality and can make great family dogs as they tend to like people of all ages. Additionally, they can easily become your best friend because they love attention.


The Shih Tzu is a loyal companion and has a beautiful coat. If you are looking for a dog with fur long enough to be decorative for cuddling, this may be the breed for you. And despite having such long hair, they don’t tend to fall out much so you don’t need to clean up behind them as often.

Good with family

These dogs can be great family dogs, especially in families with children. They tend to be patient and tolerant, making them suitable for families of various sizes.

Less hair loss

This breed rarely sheds hair if groomed regularly. This can be a big plus for people with allergies or simply prefer a cleaner home.

Low exercise requirements

Although they enjoy short walks and play, they do not have high energy levels like some other breeds. This makes them suitable for people with a gentle lifestyle.

Adapt to living space

Whether you live in a small apartment or a larger house, Shih Tzus can adapt well to different living environments.

Long lifespan

This dog breed has a lifespan of 15 years. They have a relatively long lifespan compared to some larger dog breeds, which means they can be long-term companions.

In conclusion

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs? Shih Tzus may not be the ideal dog for everyone due to their extensive grooming needs, health problems, and the noise they make. Although they have unique and adorable qualities, it is important for potential owners to consider all aspects of owning a Shih Tzu before making a decision. With proper care and attention, the Shih Tzu can become a loving companion but it requires a significant commitment of time and dedication.

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