How To Take Care Of A 3 Month Old Pitbull?

A 3 month old pitbull puppy is full of energy and cute. At this stage, puppies will need a lot of attention and care from you. In this article, we will discuss some important aspects of a 3-month-old pit bull’s life, including its physical development, nutritional needs, and training requirements.

What is the average size of a Pit Bull puppy after 3 months of age?

The size of a Pit Bull puppy at 3 months of age can vary depending on factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health. On average, a Pit Bull can weigh 15 to 30 pounds (6.8 to 13.6 kg) at 3 months of age.

Remember that these are only estimates and individual puppies may fall outside this range. It is important to consult your veterinarian for individualized advice regarding your particular puppy’s growth and development. Also, keep in mind that Pit Bulls, like all dogs, can vary in size and there can be significant differences between individual dogs even within the same breed.

What is the average size of a Pit Bull puppy after 3 months of age?
What is the average size of a Pit Bull puppy after 3 months of age?

What is the diet of a 3 month old pitbull puppy like?

Puppies are very young at 3 month old and need nutrition and immunity from mother’s milk. However, if they are somehow separated, the puppies should be fed with a special milk mixture.

Puppy milk replacer provides the nutrients and antibodies needed to promote puppy growth and development in these circumstances. They also contain minerals and vitamins that puppies need.

You can purchase puppy replacement formula and bottles from PetSmart and Petco. You can also create your own (check below).

In addition to milk replacer, puppies can eat wet dog food when they are 3 months old. You can start making porridge for them by slowly replacing the milk with canned wet puppy food, such as this Pedigree Chopped Puppy food. This Pedigree product is very popular with puppies, even picky eaters.

After your puppy has teeth, about four weeks, try softening puppy food with water and mixing it with powdered goat’s milk. It creates a nutritional powder. Make sure it is at room temperature and the open box is refrigerated. Be sure to thoroughly mix the softened kibble with the milk replacer to avoid hard clumps that can be a choking hazard for your puppy.

You can start with a bowl of water at this point. Once their teeth come in, you can start feeding them kibble that has been soaked in water or milk replacer to make them softer.

What is the temperament of a 3 month old Pitbull puppy?

Pit bulls are often considered fun and loving companions, but they have some characteristics that may make them unsuitable for some people.

For example, many pit bulls are strong-willed and can dominate other dogs or people. They also tend to be quite active, making them a good candidate for families who want a dog that keeps them happy.

However, with proper training and socialization, your puppy will become relatively calm and well-behaved over time

Behavior of 3 month old Pitbull dog: barking, biting, and aggressive

As we all know, barking and aggression are sometimes normal behaviors in dogs. To be reasonable when training your puppy, be patient and consistent. Expect some behavioral changes at this age because your puppy is still learning how to behave.

If your dog barks excessively or is aggressive toward people or other dogs, take him or her to a dog training professional for evaluation as soon as possible. Occasional biting at this age can also be common, especially when your little friend resents being restrained.


Pitbulls are fun and loving companions, but they can sometimes be very aggressive towards strangers or when they feel threatened. If your 3-month-old Pitbull is becoming overly aggressive towards people or other dogs, it may be time to consult a dog trainer. Behavioral problems often begin when puppies are 3 to 12 months old and continue into adulthood.

Behavior of 3 month old Pitbull dog: barking, biting, and aggressive
Behavior of 3 month old Pitbull dog: barking, biting, and aggressive


Puppies bark for many reasons, but the most common are: when playing, trying to attract attention or warn their owner of possible danger. If your dog starts barking excessively, it may be time to take him for walks more often. To relieve himself and avoid leaving him alone in an environment where dangers are lurking.


If your 3-month-old puppy starts biting you or anyone else, the first thing to do is get training help. You may have to use physical punishment (such as taking away privileges) to help your puppy understand that biting is unacceptable.

At what age do Pitbull dogs become more mellow?

Pitbulls are known for their high energy levels and enthusiastic nature. However, as they age, they tend to become more gentle and relaxed. The age at which a Pitbull will calm down can vary depending on the dog, but this usually happens around one year of age.

Once your Pitbull is a year old, you can expect him to calm down considerably over the next 6 to 12 months. As they enter adulthood, their energy levels will decrease and they will become less active. Although some Pitbulls may continue to be energetic even after two years, they will never be as hyper as they were during their teens.

It is important to note that factors such as exercise, diet, and training can affect your Pitbull’s energy levels and behavior. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight and promote relaxation. Training can also help teach Pitbulls to control their energy and be calmer and more obedient.

If you are raising a Pitbull, it is essential to understand its energy levels and what happens as it age. With proper care and attention, you can help your Pitbull become a gentle and happy, laid-back companion.

How much exercise does a 3 month old Pitbull puppy need?

Three-month-old Pitbulls need at least 1 to 2 hours of physical activity every day. But know that this can vary depending on the dog’s size and energy level.

It is important that you give your 3-month-old pitbull puppy plenty of playtime and toys. Letting them do some exercises will keep your canines happy and stimulate their bodies.

In short, your pit bull needs to walk at least 3 to 5 km a day to help stimulate his body. And this also helps avoid muscle cramps in your dog’s body.

What should not be done with a 3 month old Pitbull puppy?

Here are some things you should not do with your 3 month old pitbull puppy:

  • Do not use physical punishment or aggressive behavior when training your Pitbull as this can make the dog fearful and aggressive. Positive reinforcement techniques are more effective and humane.
  • Don’t over-exercise your pit bull because its joints and bones are still developing. Gradually increase the amount of exercise as the puppy grows older.\
  • Do not feed your pit bull a diet high in protein or fat, as this can lead to health problems such as obesity and hip dysplasia.Do not feed your Pitbull a diet high in protein or fat, as this can lead to health problems such as obesity and hip dysplasia.
  • Pitbulls should not be socialized too early, especially unvaccinated/unaccustomed dogs, as their immune systems are not fully developed until 6 to 8 weeks.
  • At the same time, don’t skimp on training or socializing your pit bull, as it can lead to behavioral problems such as aggression and fear.
  • Do not leave Pitbulls alone for long periods of time because they are social animals and need human companionship.
  • Don’t stereotype or label Pitbulls as aggressive or dangerous. They are loving and affectionate dogs if properly trained and socialized.
What should not be done with a 3 month old Pitbull puppy?
What should not be done with a 3 month old Pitbull puppy?

In conclusion

The 3 month old Pitbull puppy is still in the early stages of development and needs special attention and care. At this age, Pitbulls are very active and curious, they need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Proper nutrition and regular veterinary care are also essential to ensure your Pitbull grows up healthy and strong.

As your Pitbull continues to grow, you can expect him to become calmer and better behaved over time. However, it’s important to remember that every dog is unique and some Pitbulls can remain energetic and playful well into adulthood.

Raising a pit bull requires patience, dedication, and a lot of love. With the right amount of care and attention, your 3-month-old Pitbull can grow up to be a loyal and affectionate companion for many years to come.

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