Can Dogs Have Matcha? The Truth Is Matcha Is Dangerous?

Can dogs have matcha? Matcha is a type of green tea that has become very popular in recent years. It contains large amounts of antioxidants as well as abundant vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will outline some of the benefits and risks when dogs use matcha.

What is a matcha?

Matcha is a powdered version of green tea. It is grown and processed in a special way to provide a distinct flavored tea with numerous health advantages. East Asia has long grown and consumed matcha and other forms of green tea. It is commonly used in Japanese tea rituals. Matcha is now available all over the world.

What is a matcha? 
Can dogs have matcha?

Matcha is made from the Camellia sinensis plant’s leaves. This is the same tea species that is used to make black tea, oolong tea, and various green teas. Farmers will grow the tea plant in shaded regions for manufacturing matcha. When the leaves are ready, they are harvested, and powder is created from the entire leaf.

Can dogs have matcha? Matcha includes substantially higher quantities of antioxidants as well as critical vitamins and minerals that are extremely useful to humans and can be beneficial to dogs in modest amounts.

Can dogs have matcha?

Matcha can be consumed by dogs in modest amounts and can serve as an immune booster. Although matcha is high in vitamins and minerals, you must exercise caution when feeding it to your pet.

Can dogs have matcha? If given in large quantities, matcha and other green teas can be harmful to dogs’ digestive systems. It is feasible that a dog could die from a matcha overdose. Always check your veterinarian before giving your dog matcha to ensure the proper dose.

Matcha can be given to your dog in a variety of ways. Add a pinch of powder to your dog’s main meal or homemade dog treats. Your pet might even like a cup of tea.

There are also numerous matcha and green tea products for dogs. Matcha is used in many commercial dog food companies’ dog treats and chews. There are also sprays containing green tea that are intended to minimize doggie odor.

Can dogs have matcha?
Can dogs have matcha?

The benefits of matcha for dogs

Matcha is loaded with vitamins and minerals. A little matcha now and then can provide your dog with the following benefits.

Enhance immunity

Because it includes antioxidants, matcha can help enhance your dog’s immune system. This will help your dog stay healthy as he gets older. Matcha is an excellent preventative health care measure because it can help maintain your dog in peak condition, resulting in fewer trips to the vet.

Can prevent cancer

Matcha may help to protect your dog from certain cancers. Several commercial companies make chewable pills containing matcha powder for dogs. Green tea consumption has been linked to a lower incidence of stomach and liver cancer in dogs, according to research. Green tea extract can also be used to treat certain types of cancer.

Antioxidant properties

Matcha is high in antioxidants including catechins and EGCG, which can help the body neutralize damaging free radicals and maintain cellular health.

Calming effects

Matcha includes theanine, an amino acid with soothing and calming properties. It may assist some people in relieving tension and anxiety.

What is the safe amount of matcha green tea to give dog?

When it comes to feeding your dog green tea, we strongly advise you to visit your veterinarian before giving your dog more than one sip.

To avoid toxicity, be careful and mindful of how much caffeine your dog is consuming from your matcha green powder. As a result, we recommend that you do not add more than 1 gram of matcha with dog food or dilute it very much and soak it in cold water to achieve a safe dose of matcha.

What is the safe amount of matcha green tea to give dog?
Can dogs have matcha?

The caffeine concentration of matcha green tea is a source of concern when offering it to your dog on a daily basis. Caffeine is present in matcha, just as it is in coffee. Matcha green tea has around 35 milligrams of caffeine per gram, so if your dog weighs more than 20 pounds, you may simply put a gram of matcha or a cup of prepared matcha into his diet.

The risks of matcha for dogs

Can dogs have matcha? The answer is yes. However, if your dog consumes large amounts of matcha, it can lead to risks.


This is possibly the most serious risk you can expose your pet to when feeding matcha. Dogs are not allowed to consume coffee or any other caffeine-containing drinks or products, as you may know if you have had one for a time.

On the one hand, this is due to the fact that they have never had it before, therefore their reactions are unexpected. Caffeine, on the other hand, has a major impact on your pet’s cardiovascular system, causing severe hypertension and heart palpitations.

Matcha like any other green tea, includes caffeine, therefore you should avoid providing it to your dog on a regular basis.

Digestive disorders

Depending on the specific sort of matcha product you give your dog, he or she may have vomiting or diarrhea. Consider matcha ice cream, which contains not just green tea but also dairy (high in fat) and sugar. Dogs are not allowed to eat such foods, and the various substances in them might trigger blood sugar spikes or, in severe circumstances, acute pancreatitis.

How to prepare matcha for your dog?

Dogs should never be given pure matcha. Even if your dog or cat finds your tea or matcha drink interesting, you should never taste it. The caffeine content may be too much for the animal to metabolize effectively, resulting in unpleasant symptoms.

That doesn’t mean you can’t use matcha in other dishes. If you prepare your own dog treats, such as oven-roasted chicken breast, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of matcha to the mix.

In other words, while it may be a nutritious element in your homemade meals, it should not be offered to your dog in its natural state.

FAQs – Can dogs have matcha?

Can dogs eat matcha ice cream?

No. Ice cream matcha is toxic to serve to dogs due to its high fat and sugar content. Worse, some ice cream manufacturers now employ artificial sweeteners (such as xylitol) to make their ice cream diet-friendly, which are poisonous to dogs.

Can dogs eat matcha cookies?

No. Matcha cookies can be dangerous because they contain not only sugar but also chocolate. Another chemical that is particularly harmful to dogs, therefore if you serve matcha cookies to your pet, you may need to take them to an emergency veterinarian clinic.

Can dogs drink matcha green tea?

If we’re talking about the powder used in homemade dog treats, the answer is yes. If you mean genuine tea or matcha drinks, the answer is no, because they are too concentrated and contain too much caffeine to be safe for dogs.

In conclusion

Can dogs have matcha? While matcha and other green teas have numerous health benefits for dogs, it’s crucial to keep in mind that too much might be harmful. Before introducing matcha into your dog’s food, always consult with your veterinarian.

Because an overdose of matcha can be lethal, your veterinarian can assist you in determining the appropriate dosage for your dog. When selecting green tea for your dog, make sure it is caffeine-free, as caffeine is harmful to dogs.

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