Can Dogs Eat Airheads? Sugar, Sticky, and Unsafe

Can Dogs Eat Airheads

Can Dogs Eat Airheads?  A popular, chewy treat called AirHeads is frequently given out at birthday parties, celebrations, and special occasions like Halloween. Although they are among the best-selling candies on the market, may we give our dogs this kind of candy as well? Can pets consume AirHeads?

AirHeads should never be given to a dog for any reason because of the sugar content, artificial additives, and abnormally sticky taffy nature of the treat. Additionally, xylitol, which is particularly hazardous for dogs to consume, is also in other AirHeads products (such as Airheads gum).

Regular feeding of any candy-like food to dogs is never a good idea, and you should typically aim to steer clear of giving your dogs any treats that are meant for human consumption. One of the foods you should limit your dog’s consumption of is Airheads. In this article, will explain more about the Airheads and how it is harmful for your dog:

Can Dogs Eat Airheads?

Everyone adores Airheads. These sugary, chewy candies come in a variety of flavors and sizes, and they are all chewy and tasty. Airheads are probably not something you would contemplate intentionally giving your dog, but what if you did? Is it okay for dogs to eat Airheads? These unusual-looking candies really contain sugar and a sweetened starch-based goo with an odd texture and a mild fruity flavor. But do you know if your dog can consume them without becoming sick?

Can Dogs Eat Airheads
Can Dogs Eat Airheads

Yes, technically. Your dog won’t suffer any consequences if he consumes an airhead. Don’t intentionally try to give these treats to your dog, though. We’ll go into more depth on Can Dogs Eat Airheads below. For more information, keep reading.

1. The Origins of Airheads

Chewy candies called “Airheads” are available in a range of flavors. People truly enjoy these 1985-born candies. They are frequently offered in bags of different sizes and come in a range of tastes, such as:

  • Blue raspberry, cherry, lemon, orange, grape
  • Green Apple, Strawberry, and Watermelon.

Since airheads are chewy and sticky, it’s unlikely that your dog will swallow one if he does manage to get a hold of one.

2. What Constitutes An Airhead?

Can Dogs Eat Airheads
Can Dogs Eat Airheads

Gelatin, corn syrup, sugar, and artificial flavors are used in the production of Airheads candies. In order to extract the most sugar from the maize, it is treated with acids or enzymes before being turned into corn syrup. It is a highly processed product with little vitamin and mineral content and a high sugar content.

The majority of candies and gummy candy employ gelatin, which is a thickening ingredient manufactured from animal bones. Additionally, it might contain artificial preservatives, sweeteners, colors, and tastes.

As you might have suspected, Airheads are high in sugar, which is bad for dogs in every aspect. Gelatin and corn syrup are two components that are often not at all nourishing and offer dogs no significant advantages. In fact, your dog should stay as far away from corn syrup and gelatin as possible.

3. Can Dogs Eat Airheads?

Airheads are not particularly nourishing and they could be harmful to a dog’s health. They are secure in a technical sense. However, this does not imply that you should give your dog these treats every week.

As you might have suspected, they are not a treat that is good for dogs to eat. As was already noted, maize syrup, which is highly high in fructose, is present in large quantities in Airheads.

Because it is digested entirely differently by your body than glucose, fructose is classified as a type 2 sugar. Fructose consumption in excess can harm the liver and increase insulin resistance, which can result in type 2 diabetes in dogs. Sugar is incredibly dehydrating to dogs, and corn syrup is also quite heavy in sugar.

Do not forget that these sweets include a lot of sugar in their production. Sugar nourishes unhealthy bacteria in dogs’ intestines, which can cause a variety of health issues.

3. Are all airheads harmful to canines?

The many kinds are what we mean when we say “All Airheads.” like airhead gum, airhead sours, airhead gummies, and airhead bites. When it comes to airheads, there are many different sizes and designs. All of them are just as awful as typical airheads. Avoid dropping any of these candies unintentionally near your dog since they will damage him.

4. Do Dogs Get Poisoned By Airheads?

Despite the fact that dogs shouldn’t eat Airheads. Although they are very harmful to dogs, they are not always poisonous to them. You undoubtedly read about the excessive sugar, corn syrup, and artificial ingredient content of Airheads above. These are all undesirable foods for dogs to eat.

Dogs won’t perish from eating Airheads, though. They might become ill from consuming too much, but they won’t pass away.

5. How Harmful For Dogs Are Airheads?

Can Dogs Eat Airheads
Can Dogs Eat Airheads

Dogs should avoid airheads for a number of reasons.

  • First of all, they are completely unnutritious and offer no advantages to dogs in any way.
  • Second, they have a lot of sugar, which can cause a sugar illness in the stomachs of dogs.
  • Thirdly, they include corn syrup, which has a high sugar content and can harm a dog’s liver.
  • Finally, they have artificial components that don’t actually improve dogs’ health.

Overall, dogs should avoid Airheads because they are quite harmful to them. What good is giving your dog a treat if there are no advantages?

6. What are the canine consequences of xylitol and sugar?

As said, AirHeads have an excessive amount of sugar or other artificial sweeteners like xylitol. For your dog, any treat containing both xylitol and sugar is undesirable. Alcohol is absent from the natural sugar known as xylitol. It serves as a sugar replacement.

Birch sugar, commonly known as xylitol, can be found in:

  • Foods without sugar
  • Medications
  • Dental hygiene supplies
  • Beautifying goods

For dogs, xylitol is poisonous and perhaps fatal. In dogs, xylitol generates a significant insulin release that results in hypoglycemia, a dangerously rapid drop in blood sugar levels. Additionally, Xylitol can harm a dog’s liver, perhaps leading to liver failure. It seems to be related to the amount of xylitol your dog consumes. The toxicity of xylitol in cats has not yet been documented. Although scientists disagree on whether cats are immune to the consequences of xylitol poisoning, it is still advised to keep xylitol-containing goods away from all your furry pets for the time being.

What Takes Place When A Dog Eats A Lot Of AirHeads Candy?

Can Dogs Eat Airheads
Can Dogs Eat Airheads

Knowing the warning signs and symptoms of your pet drinking a lot of AirHeads is essential because doing so can quickly be harmful to their health. Watch out for these symptoms of xylitol toxicity if your dog ate an AirHeads product that contains xylitol:

  • Fast or dyspneic breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • over 101 °F body temperature
  • Restlessness
  • Fear Weakness
  • Having trouble walking
  • Collapse

After your pet has taken AirHeads, if you see any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately. You’ll need to watch your dog carefully to determine whether they may just be uncomfortable until their body is finished processing the non-canine-friendly treat or if you’ll need to seek medical attention. Additionally, lethargy or other signs of digestive stress may be indicative of them eating far too much non-xylitol, including AirHeads, so you’ll need to watch your pup carefully.

This is crucial for people who have young, tiny, or old dogs. After consuming sugar and synthetic chemicals, many large adult dogs should experience some digestive upset but generally be well. Those in the first two categories are more likely to experience severe reactions and consumption effects.

Can Dogs Eat Airheads
Can Dogs Eat Airheads


Due to the drastic variations in a dog’s blood glucose levels, over-ingestion of sweet, sugary candies might have life-threatening effects. This is something that needs to be closely watched. Try to estimate how much AirHeads or other candy your dog may have consumed if they seem to have eaten a lot of it, and then assess the dangers against your dog’s size, weight, age, and present health.

If your dog might experience such extreme changes, you should seek veterinarian help right away because they have the potential to be lethal.


Can Dogs Eat Airheads? Even while we would love to let our pets eat our favorite treats, it’s vital to keep in mind that not all human foods are suitable for dogs. Sadly, this also applies to airhead candy. Although the candy itself is not poisonous to dogs, the sugar level makes it unhealthy for them and poses a choking risk. Therefore, it’s better to keep your airhead candy out of your dog’s reach even though they may beg for a bite.

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