Shaved Tibetan Mastiff: How to do it in the right way?

By | August 15, 2023

Is it possible to shave a Tibetan Mastiff? Shaved Tibetan Mastiff is perhaps not the finest idea. This breed of dog has dense fur that is resistant to most hair removal methods and can take a long time to regrow. Furthermore, they are prone to skin infections if scraped or punctured, thus shaving them could result in major problems.

Use an electric clipper or groomer to shave your mastiff if necessary. You will still need to brush your coat on a regular basis to prevent debris and bacteria from accumulating (which could cause acne or other skin problems).

Apply a topical antibacterial agent to any affected areas before beginning grooming operations. Remember to always consult your veterinarian before undertaking any pet grooming technique. If you have to shave their coat, check this instructions below with

Why should we Shaved Tibetan Mastiff?

Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs are well-known for their thick, luscious coats, which protect them from the harsh weather conditions of their native Himalayan region. So who would want to shave them? Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff may be important for a variety of reasons. For one thing, if a Mastiff has serious matting or skin difficulties, shaving may be the only effective approach to manage the condition.

During the hot summer months, some owners may shave their Mastiffs to keep them cool and comfortable. However, shaving can harm a Mastiff’s coat and should not be done on a frequent basis or without consultation with a veterinarian or skilled groomer. There are a few reasons why a Tibetan mastiff should be shaved:

  • Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff will aid in the removal of dead hair, grime, and oils that can accumulate on the dog’s skin.
  • It also aids in keeping the coat clean and mat-free.
  • The shaved coat will also be less likely to mat and tangle.
  • Grooming on a daily basis will also keep the coats clean and healthy.

What you need to know about “Shaved Tibetan Mastiff”:

Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

1. The tools you need to prepare before Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

You need to buy a trimmer, comb with trimmer, brush and lubricant. These tools can be purchased at pet or animal care stores. Comb sizes come in a variety of sizes, so when you’re buying a comb that comes with a trimmer, you should pay attention to the thickness and length of your dog. .

Particularly with Tibetan Mastiffs, you should prepare a muzzle for them. This is to prevent the dog from biting you back while loading the fur.

2. Some notes before Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

If your dog is often startled by loud noises, you should try a variety of trimmers to test their noise level. Then choose a trimmer that doesn’t make much noise. At the same time, you should let them get used to the sound of the trimmer. This avoids sudden actions when you Shaved Tibetan Mastiff.

Particularly for Tibetan Mastiffs, this is necessary because they are very agitated with what can be dangerous for them. It is recommended to purchase a comb in size E. This is designed to trim the hair leaving about 2.5cm of the dog’s hair, which is generally recommended.

3. Step-by-step Guide for Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

Step 1: Bathe the dog

This step is to fix the dog’s hair so that it doesn’t get messy when you trim it. This also cleans away dirt from the dog’s coat so that the trimmer can cut more accurately.

Step 2: Secure the dog with a leash

You should tie the dog with a rope in a certain position so that the dog cannot move around while you load them. If they don’t cooperate, you need to ask a support person to hold your dog in place.

Step 3: The process of shaving the dog’s hair

Shave in the direction of the dog’s hair growth. If you shave in the opposite direction of the dog’s hair, the shave will be uneven and become jagged and untidy. During this process, you need to work slowly and gently to avoid startling the dog.

Should Shaved Tibetan Mastiff in the right direction. If you can’t determine the direction of the coat, you can take a credit card and brush it along the coat. If the coat is ruffled and tilted back, you are brushing in the opposite direction of hair growth. Then you need to shave in the opposite direction. Shave hair from sensitive areas first

Clam Tibetan will reduce the waiting patiently over time. You need to handle trimming in important areas, then move to another area.

  • The order of shaving should start from: head, armpits, bottom of tail, nape, sides of body, abdomen.
  • You should only shave when the dog is completely still and hold the trimmer a few centimeters away from the eyes while shaving their hair.
  • When shaving the armpit area, you raise Ao Tang’s hands to a suitable position. You then shave under this area and repeat on the other side.
  • When shaving the groin area, raise the dog’s hind legs to a toilet position and shave the hair under this area. Then repeat with the other leg.
  • When shaving the butt area, you should raise the tail and shave the hair in this area so that they go to the toilet clean. However, you need to be very careful when handling this sensitive area.
  • For the remaining areas, you start with the nape of the neck and work your way down to the neck, back and sides of the body. When you shave the belly area carefully and be careful to shave in the direction away from the hand.

Alternatives to Grooming Options

1. De-Shedding and Brushing

To maintain the health of their coat and skin, Tibetan Mastiffs should be brushed frequently. The double coat of a Tibetan Mastiff is made up of a guard hair, which is the rougher outer layer, and a dense undercoat. Regular brushing will help to remove debris and dead hair, as well as help to avoid matting and tangling, especially during the shedding season.

Use an appropriate undercoat rake or slicker brush to get the best results. Start by brushing their coat in the direction of hair development, paying close attention to mat-prone regions like the neck and behind the ears.

At least once a week should be set aside to brush your Tibetan Mastiff. It is suggested to brush more frequently during the shedding season to help control excessive hair loss.

2. Services for Professional Grooming

Regular brushing and de-shedding are necessary for your Tibetan Mastiff’s overall coat health, but professional grooming services might have extra advantages. Groomers with knowledge and the right tools can properly manage your dog’s coat and take care of any grooming requirements that might come up.

Using expert grooming services has some advantages, such as:

  • Access to specialist equipment: To achieve the greatest results, groomers use high-quality grooming tools and equipment created especially for various types of dog coats.
  • Bathing and conditioning: To assist in preserving the health and beauty of your Tibetan Mastiff’s coat, professional groomers will thoroughly bathe and condition your dog’s coat using dog-specific shampoos and conditioners.
  • Ear cleaning and nail trimming: Maintaining your dog’s overall health requires regular ear cleaning and nail cutting. These services can be safely provided by qualified groomers in a relaxed setting.
  • Advice and direction: Expert groomers can offer insightful advice on the best grooming schedule for your Tibetan Mastiff as well as guidance on any unique coat issues or worries you might have.

Hair Care for Tibetan Mastiffs:

Shaved Tibetan Mastiff

As far as grooming is concerned, you should brush your Tibetan Mastiff a few times a week to keep its coat in good condition. Without proper brushing, it will be difficult to remove loose or dead hair. It is important to brush your Tibetan Mastiff regularly as its double coat is more prone to tangles and frizz. Undercoating can cause other problems for your dog, such as skin infections. It can also mean that your dog is not able to stay warm enough.

Flea treatment should also not be forgotten. With dogs of this type, fleas are more difficult to treat because they can easily hide in the dog’s thick coat. It may not be possible to bathe every six weeks as often, as their coats are usually clean and odor-free. You should brush your dog’s coat thoroughly before bathing to deep clean the coat.

Why Not Shave Your Tibetan Mastiff with a Double Coat?

It might seem like a good idea to shave your double-coated Tibetan Mastiff during the hot summer months, but it’s not advised. A Tibetan Mastiff’s double coat acts as insulation, assisting in controlling their body temperature in both hot and cold climates. Shaving their coat can increase their risk of heat exhaustion and sunburn.

In addition, their fur shields them from insects and other pests, so losing it could expose them to infestations and bites. Instead of shaving off their coat during the warmer months, it’s crucial to keep your Tibetan Mastiff well-groomed and brushed on a regular basis.

1. The Dog’s Coat Is Damaged:

Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff can harm its coat because of its double-layered fur insulation from cold and heat. The dog can become more susceptible to burns and severe temperatures if this shield is removed. Shaving can also change the coat’s color and structure, making it less fluffy and possibly leading it to regrow unevenly.

Before shaving a Tibetan Mastiff, it is crucial to speak with a qualified groomer or veterinarian who can provide you with advice on the best grooming techniques for preserving the health and aesthetics of their distinctive coat. Use regular grooming and bathing hygiene to avoid impetigo or other illnesses!

2. Undercoat Loss Factors

A Tibetan Mastiff that has been shaved may lose its undercoat, which is a major consequence. A Tibetan Mastiff’s thick, double coat acts as insulation and shields it from both hot and cold weather. Shaving the coat can remove this natural barrier of defense, making the dog more susceptible to extremes in temperature and skin harm.

Shaving can also remove the undercoat, which can take months or even years to fully regenerate. Before making a decision to change a Tibetan Mastiff’s coat, it is crucial to seek advice from a qualified groomer or veterinarian. In order to preserve the health and appearance of their gorgeous coat, it is generally advisable to avoid shaving and instead concentrate on routine brushing and grooming.

3. Painful To Dogs:

Even though it could seem like a good idea, shaving a Tibetan Mastiff in the summer heat is not advised. Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff can cause the dog discomfort, skin rashes, and other medical issues. A Tibetan Mastiff’s thick coat acts as insulation and controls their body temperature in both hot and cold climates.

Shaving their coat can thwart this natural process and increase their risk of hypothermia or heat stroke. Additionally, the dog may feel discomfort throughout the shaving process. If not done correctly, it entails buzzing very close to the skin and may result in pain or harm.

It is recommended to provide shade and lots of water to keep your Tibetan Mastiff cool. And routine grooming to keep their coat in good condition without harm or discomfort.

4. Possibly Cause Skin Irritations:

Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff might be unhealthy for them and irritate their skin. This is so that a Tibetan Mastiff can be protected from both extremes of heat and cold by its thick coat, which acts as insulation. Shaving can interfere with their ability to regulate their body temperature, resulting in pain or even sickness.

In the summer months, Tibetan Mastiffs naturally shed their undercoat.

As a result, shaving could impede this procedure and cause mating or tangling of their fur. If you are worried about how to properly groom your Tibetan Mastiff. It is advised that you speak with a skilled groomer who has dealt with this breed before. Shaving your double-coated Tibetan Mastiff can result in painful skin irritation or rashes since you removed so many long hairs from the top of the torso. Any possible cuts can get infected, necessitating antibiotic therapy.


Is it possible to Shaved Tibetan Mastiff? It depends, is the answer. While most mastiffs shave, some take more attention than others. If your mastiff has a thick fur coat, he or she will most likely need to be shaved every two to three days. Because of their short coat, they only need to be shaved once a week. Your mastiff, on the other hand, has a lengthy coat that needs to be shaved once a month.

Shaving a Tibetan Mastiff is not suggested since their thick double coat maintains their body temperature and protects them from the weather. While shaving them in hot weather may appear to be a good idea, it might be harmful to their health. Instead, combing and grooming on a regular basis can help keep their coat in good shape and avoid matting. Before making any grooming selections for our animal friends, we must always consider their well-being.

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